Friday 25 September 2009


Haha, MTWTF...I mean, WTF is a funny part...MT could be a short for just something-somthinge.


Well, kinda nice day. Chill. I spent some time after school wondering around in the city with Michley looking for some suitable football shoes for her brother.

We met My! A girl who used to go to our school...we always hung out and stuff. She didn't really have anyone in her class, but boom, we became friends. She changed to St. Eriks though this term. We had fun...we always stood up for her, whatever it was.

Now, after summer, when we met her, she just totally tried to avoid us. I looked straight into her eyes, glad to see her after the summer, but she just walked pass us, hiding behind the surrounding people. And I know she saw me. Michely called for her name four times before she had to stop...but she didn't stop because she wanted to. It was her kind father reacting to her name...

It all just makes me mad in some way. We were her only friends. I never expected to ever spend some time with her after she changed school, that's something you just know, but to just ignore us like that after all we've been through is something you just don't do.

THE GOOD THING made his super-awesome apple pie :D <3

And I posted another look on lookbook :3
And that's pretty awesome. I'm so in love with lookbook <3>
some spare pics after lookbooking :3

// Rosie

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